Mr. Larkin is an American Illustrating Legend
This is the ....
Bob Larkin Omigod Gallery

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bob Larkin 2013 Sketchbook - A Review

The 2013 Bob Larkin Sketchbook by Fantom Press is out and available now.

My copy came in the mail last week, and it exceeds all expectations. This project has been in production for several years and Bob Larkin, Tery Allen and Kez Wilson had put in copius amounts of hard work to make this book happen.

There are 47 art pages of pencil drawings that are beautiful to behold. Bob's work is breathtaking and incredible. His talent in undeniable. All drawings feature Doc Savage, and he is joined by various movie monsters, superheroes, hot ladies, dinosaurs, and many other surprises.

There is one drawing he did that escaped being in the book, and it is one that Bob did specifically for me. It is pictured above. It is included here as an example of what you can expect to find in the book. Please note that the pictures in the book do not include the Doc Savage logo and verbiage at the top. They just showcase the art.

This book is highly recommended for several reasons. First, it is fantastic art that all fans would enjoy. Second, the paperback version is very affordable at less than $25 with domestic postage. Third, all proceeds go to help the Larkins and their mass of medical bills.

Please go to to purchase a book. You will not be disappointed!

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